A visionary new
leadership consultancy
Working with organizers and candidates anytime, anywhere to become better leaders in their community by achieving real world results.
✓ uniting 3rd Parties
✓ coalition Building / Conflict resolution
✓ Local, County, State Training

We focus results and lead by example.
✓ Scalable Methods
✓ Repeatable Results
Are you ready?
3rd parties are growing, together we can make real impacts
Join us and be part of the political reform movement – that trains leaders who work together.

Are we partisan?
No, we are strictly nonpartisan – we work with leaders from any community.
How do you work with leaders who have different approaches/ideas of how things should be done?
The way we allow for ideological diversity and the resolve conflicts that arise is a federated structure, asking people in the city, county or state what they want then training leaders to get results based on citizens votes. This is the way our Republic was designed to work, with states and communities as laboratories for democracy.
Aren’t there already a lot of organizations with unity in the name?
Yes, but the rarest thing in politics is people willing to put their logo aside, their closely held answers and just work pragmatically with anyone to solve a problem.
Consultancies are rarely in practice action first, that is where we are different. That is our added value.
How do you build coalitions?
It’s one thing to say you will work with anyone to solve problems. It’s quite another to actually do it. Our founders have experience working in many third parties and around the world. From South Asia to the West Coast we have been able to work across many aisles. Experience is the best teacher.
What does it cost?
Many of our projects are aimed at being self sustaining through cross-subsidization of projects, cost-sharing models and candidate specific metrics, most costs are for first year development for organizations, with a goal to become self reliant.